To accelerate and simplify the distribution of borrower insurance, Verlingue is launching a totally automated platform allowing customers to sign up completely online.
Verlingue has developed a solution that makes buying insurance easier and faster. The paperless enrolment process for borrowers is quick and intuitive: they get their quote, submit their supporting documents, and sign their contract electronically in a secure area.
With Assur@ccess, Verlingue is innovating by incorporating an interactive health questionnaire for immediate medical acceptance for nearly 90% of borrowers.
This digital platform offers a highly secure environment compliant with the regulatory constraints specific to insurance distribution applicable to bankers and insurers. Assur@ccess can be adjusted according to their needs and characteristics.
Verlingue has more than 30 years’ experience in pricing and managing borrower insurance as well as expertise in digitising customer experiences (extranets and mobile apps). A team is dedicated to Assur@ccess to support the various distributors in deploying digital solutions for borrowers.
Assur@ccess has already been adopted by a major player in the banking sector for its individual borrower insurance offering, distributed by its networks of agencies.

New circumstances: annual termination of borrower insurance
Since 1 January 2018, borrowers have the possibility of terminating their borrower insurance policy each year on the anniversary date. Lenders will therefore be required to accept the new chosen insurance, but only if the cover meets the equivalence criteria.
This legal development should lead to profound changes for all players in this market.
Against this backdrop, Verlingue offers solutions to allow its partners to cope with the many impacts of this reform.