Legal statement

Legal statement

Legal statement – General terms and conditions of use

Site Description

Under article 6 of French law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the website (hereinafter « the Website ») are hereby advised of the identity of the parties involved in its implementation and its monitoring:


Publisher and hosted by: Adelaïde
Insurance broker, a French simplified joint stock company with capital of €153.857,44;
Registered office: 12 rue de Kerogan– CS 44012 – 29335 QUIMPER – FRANCE;
Registered at the Quimper Trade and Companies Register under number 398 162 099
Registered with ORIAS (the French Organisation for the Register of Insurance Intermediaries) under number 07 027 823 / http//
Operates under the supervision of the ACPR (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution – the French Prudential Control and Resolution Authority) – 4 place de Budapest – CS92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 9

Intracommunity VAT no. FR 82 398 162 099

Managing editor: Benjamin Verlingue, Chairman


Phone: +33 (0)2 98 76 44 44

Design and production: Agence Keblow, 2A rue Stappaert 59000 Lille, France

General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website

Use of the Website implies full acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use. These general terms and conditions of use may be modified or added to at any time, therefore users of the Website should consult them on a regular basis.

Under normal circumstances, the Website is accessible to users at any time. The Publisher may, however, interrupt the service for the purposes of technical maintenance or for any other purpose. In such cases, the Publisher will forewarn users of the dates and times of the intervention.

The website is updated regularly. Similarly, the legal notice may be changed at any time. Because it will nevertheless be binding on users, you should refer to it as often as possible to acquaint yourself therewith.

Herein, the terms « User » and « Users » means any person(s) accessing the Website.

Description of services provided

The Website is intended to provide information on all the Publisher’s activities.While the Publisher will endeavour to provide information that is as accurate as possible, it may not be held liable for any omission, inaccuracy or deficiency in the update, irrespective of whether it was caused by itself or by third-party partners that provide it with this information.
All information appearing on the Website is for information only, and is therefore non-binding and subject to change. In addition, information appearing on the Website is not exhaustive.

Intellectual property and counterfeiting

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, videos, animated sequences with or without sound, as well as all works incorporated into this Website are the property of the Publisher and/or its partners and/or third parties who have authorised the Publisher to use same.

Logos, icons, and graphical visuals represented on the Website are protected by copyright and articles L.511.1 et seq of the French Intellectual Property Code on the protection of registered trademarks.

Without the prior approval of the Publisher, the reproduction, representation, use and modification by any process and on any medium whatsoever of all or part of this Website, and/or of all or part of the various works it comprises is strictly prohibited and constitutes counterfeiting, a crime which may lead to civil and/or criminal prosecution and payment of damages.

The fact that the Publisher does not initiate proceedings as soon as it is made aware of such unauthorised use does not constitute acceptance of said use or a waiver of legal proceedings.

Limitation of liability

The Publisher shall not be liable for failures, breakdowns, operational difficulties or interruptions preventing access to the Website or to any of its features.
The Publisher shall not be liable for damage of any kind caused to Users’ equipment while accessing the Website and resulting from either the use of equipment that does not meet the Website’s technical specifications, or from the emergence of a bug or incompatibility.

It is hereby stated that the Website uses JavaScript technology. The Publisher cannot be held liable for damage linked to the use of this technology. In addition, Users of the Website undertake to access the Website using recent equipment that contains no virus and using an up-to-date latest-generation browser.

Under no circumstances may the Publisher be held liable for any damage of any kind resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and/or documents available on this Website.

The Publisher assumes no liability for the content of websites linked to from this Website. Irrespective of the type of link set up from an external « linking site » to the Publisher’s Website, the Publisher reserves the right to object to it being set up.

Interactive areas (ability to ask questions in the ‘contact’ area) may be made available to Users. The Publisher reserves the right to remove, without prior formal notice, all content deposited in this area which contravenes French law, especially in respect of the provisions on data protection. Where applicable, the Publisher also reserves the right to bring the User’s civil and/or criminal liability into play, especially in cases involving racist, offensive, defamatory, or pornographic messages, irrespective of the medium used (text, photograph, etc).

Data protection policy

On this Site, users communicate personal data related to them and/or personal data related to any natural person collected fairly and lawfully (see article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulations of 27 April 2016).

The publisher aims to inform Users about the commitments and measures taken to protect personal data. To familiarise yourself with these commitments and measures, as well as your rights, please read our Private policy..

Policy on data security

The Publisher implements security measures appropriate to the degree of sensitivity of the personal data in order to protect same from malicious intrusion, loss, alteration or disclosure to unauthorised third parties. The Publisher only grants authorisations to access its information systems to persons who need them to carry out their duties. All the employees are aware of the need to protect the personal data made available to them as part of their duties, and the Publisher ensures that they observe the company’ rules and code of conduct. These security principles are imposed on service providers.

Hypertext links

This Website may contain hypertext links to other websites and other computer sources published and managed by commercial or non-commercial partner websites, set up with the explicit prior authorisation of the Publisher.

The websites these links give access to are independent of the Publisher’s Website, and provided by these companies under their own responsibility. Generally, since the Publisher exercises no control over these websites, it cannot be held liable for their availability, content, offers, information or for transactions carried out on the such websites.

Applicable Law – Jurisdiction

All disputes related to the use of the Website are subject to French law. Jurisdiction is hereby conferred exclusively to the courts of Paris.


Users may send a message to the following address regarding any question or information about the Website: